OTT GROUP Aeration System BioTAS® Can enhance micro mixing hose aeration technology SED Biochemical Technology Process System MACOSS® Precision control system InDENSE® Sludge screening technology

D-REX ® Disc aerator

OTT D-REX ®  The disc aerator can be installed on a three-quarters inch internal thread or on a square tube with an inner diameter of 30mm using an adapter. The bracket and clamping ring are made of glass fiber reinforced PP and can withstand temperatures up to 120 ℃ (248 ° F). All components are resistant to formic acid. D-REX ®  The disc aerator can be combined with ethylene propylene rubber FLEXNORM ®  Or silicone resin FLEXSIL ®  Or OTT FLEXLON ®  Use the membrane together. A larger loading area allows for multiple applications.




